Thursday, September 17, 2009

Katcina Mosa 100K

The Katcina Mosa 100K. What a day. 20 Hours 75 ish miles, 17,510 of elevation. You say 100K is not 75 miles it is 62 miles. And you are right, but if you get off course and follow someone elses orange markers for a ways, you can make a 100K into a 75 mile run without too much trouble and that is what I did. Here are some photos from the the fun.

This is headed up to Lightening Ridge, right in the middle top is where I am headed. 2500’ of elevation in 3 miles.

That is Lightening Ridge, tons of flowers it was a beautiful morning, #35 never saw me again.

Getting ready to make the traverse across the ridge, sun’s coming up looking north.

Trail heading north, dropped down into the saddle and then it was a downhill slide to Big Springs aid station at mile 24

Looking down, back side of Lightening ridge, Big Springs here I come.

Headed up towards Windy Pass

Wayne giving me the big thumbs up! Windy pass is in our sights.

I am happy to get this climb done. Looking pretty good for 30 miles under my belt. What a great day.

Looking towards the back side of Mt Timpanogos we started down in the meadow, 3200’ vertical and 5 miles ago.

Here we go. A picture near Dry fork, this is where we got of course 62 just wasn’t enough for a couple of over achievers like Wayne and I. 75 miles is a lot.

Here I am at the finish with John Bozung the race director who organized this debacle. Finisher !

This I what my dirt tan looked like once I peeled all my clothes away. It was worse than it looked.

Now you know what a pair of legs and feet look like after 20 hours and 75 miles. Sexy!

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